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uPVC French
Windows and Doors

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Simta Astrix uPVC
French Windows

French windows are hinged or pivoted windows typically comprising two or more glass panels. They serve as entrances to patios, gardens or balconies, bridging indoor and outdoor spaces, inviting natural light and fresh air. French doors come in various styles, including traditional and modern, with clear or frosted glass and are used in residential and commercial settings.

Simta Astrix offers affordable and stylish white uPVC French windows that enhance any interior. With a simple yet attractive design, they provide easy access to your garden, terrace or decking. The uPVC material maximises ventilation and natural light, blurring the line between your living area and garden. These windows are built to last, with durability, weather resistance and low maintenance being their hallmarks.

Simta Astrix uPVC
French Doors

Simta Astrix’s uPVC french doors seamlessly blend aesthetics and utility. These uPVC double doors feature full-length glass panels encased within a grid pattern, providing a captivating link between indoor and outdoor spaces. With high-precision tooling ensuring superior quality, dimensional stability and a flawless surface finish, our designs offer the perfect fusion of french doors with windows.

Cost-effective and well-insulated, our uPVC french doors exude a regal charm, making them an excellent choice for entrances and spaces with stunning landscape views. Whether you’re seeking a “French door manufacturer near me” or looking to understand the significance of uPVC, Simta Astrix uPVC French doors redefine elegance, offering the timeless allure of glass French doors. Elevate your space with our exquisite designs.

Product Range

Casement System

Casement System

Casement System

Applications of uPVC French Windows and Doors

Why Choose uPVC Over Wood?

Thermal Stability

Fire Resistant

Bugs Free

Maintenance Free

image which depicts the Sound proof of the Simta Astrix's windows and doors

Sound Proof


Energy Efficient

Weather Resistant



Our uPVC French windows feature a classic design with a modern touch, providing elegance and functionality for your space.

uPVC French windows create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces, allowing ample natural light and adding a touch of sophistication to your interior.

We offer a range of modern French window designs that blend contemporary style with traditional elegance, catering to various design preferences.

Yes, we offer solutions to convert French doors into French windows, providing a change in style and functionality.

Our uPVC French windows are known for their sleek and stylish designs, with options for sliding French windows and casement door definitions to suit your space.

You can find inspiration and ideas for incorporating uPVC French windows into your home design on our website, helping you make the most of this timeless style.

uPVC double doors, also known as French doors with windows, provide a classic and elegant design. They consist of two doors with large windows, allowing ample natural light into your space.

uPVC stands for Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride, a durable and low-maintenance material used in French doors and windows. It ensures longevity and resistance to extreme weather conditions.

You can find a reputable French door manufacturer near you specialising in uPVC double doors by searching online or consulting local directories.

French casement doors offer a versatile and stylish option, featuring multiple glass panels that open fully to create an unobstructed view and maximise natural ventilation.

French doors with windows create an elegant and timeless look, making them a perfect addition to residential and commercial settings.

Glass French doors provide an inviting and luxurious appearance, allowing a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces while flooding your interiors with natural light.

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