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uPVC Window Colours
in Delhi

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Simta Astrix uPVC Window Colours in Delhi

Transform your living areas with the gorgeous Simta Astrix’s uPVC window colours in Delhi. A bright palette of Golden Oak, Dark Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, Grey, Black, and Pyrite Gold is available for selection. You may add a touch of elegance and beauty to your home by customizing your windows with our wide selection of colours. For a modern look in Grey and Black or the cosiness of Wood tones, Simta Astrix is the ideal option for your Delhi home. Our uPVC windows have superior insulation, energy efficiency, and long-lasting performance in mind, in addition to their attractive appearance. With Simta Astrix’s uPVC window colours, you can elevate your Delhi house and combine design and functionality for a genuinely better quality of life.

uPVC Windows
Colour Options







Benefits of uPVC Window
Colour Options

Selecting the ideal colour for uPVC windows has advantages beyond aesthetics; these include greater property value, better interior comfort, increased curb appeal, and other useful benefits.

Enhanced Curb

For a coherent appearance, blend with the surroundings, add individuality with strong colours, and complement your home’s style.

Better Indoor

Darker hues reduce heat absorption, lighter colours maximise natural light, and reflective coatings reduce glare to improve visual comfort.

Property Value

For a greater resale value, modernise with trendy colours, keep an appealing façade, and select energy-efficient uPVC windows.


Tinted alternatives offer privacy with natural light, customisation expresses taste, and certain colours minimise maintenance.

Investing in
uPVC Windows

Unique opportunity to enhance aesthetics, functionality, and property value; choose the ideal colour by considering your tastes and surroundings.


Simta Astrix provides a vibrant palette, including Golden Oak, Dark Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, Grey, Black, and Pyrite Gold for uPVC windows in Delhi.
By blending with surroundings, adding individuality with strong colours, and complementing your home's style, uPVC window colours create a coherent and appealing appearance.
Yes, darker hues reduce heat absorption, lighter colours maximise natural light, and reflective coatings minimise glare, enhancing interior comfort in Delhi.
Modernising with trendy colours, maintaining an appealing façade, and selecting energy-efficient uPVC windows can significantly increase your home's resale value in Delhi.
Yes, tinted alternatives offer privacy with natural light, customisation expresses taste, and certain colours minimise maintenance, providing practical benefits beyond aesthetics.
It's a unique opportunity to enhance aesthetics, functionality, and property value. Consider your tastes and surroundings to choose the ideal uPVC window colour for your Delhi home.

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